Am I an Imposter?

I decided to start this blog about 8 months ago and I have yet to find anything to write about. I have had ideas for blog posts but I swiftly reject them because I feel they are too basic or that no one would really benefit from my knowledge. Basically I was stricken with Imposters Syndrome.

I have been spending some time on Stack Overflow lately and I have done my best to craft very detailed answers (complete with fiddles where applicable). I have found that my answers are typically well received, leading me to the realization that my knowledge and experience may actually make a difference in helping other programmers.

So I’ve decided that the potential to help just one person outweighs any anxiety I may have about my skill or knowledge.

With that being said I have come across some questions about SOLID design, specifically on Dependency Injection. This was a topic that took me a while to truly grasp and I thought maybe I could try and break it down for anyone out there still struggling with it.

I am going to write a series of posts about SOLID design (albeit out of order).